Opt Out Forms
Opt out of "Participation in comprehensive health education, the teaching of disease, its symptoms, development, and treatment"
Opt out of "Participation in comprehensive health education, the teaching of disease, its symptoms, development, and treatment"
vermont_parent_and_student_opt_final _5__1_ (2).pdf
Opt out of "Full Spectrum: Educators’ Guide to Implementing LGBTQ+ Inclusive Sex Ed"
Opt out of "Full Spectrum: Educators’ Guide to Implementing LGBTQ+ Inclusive Sex Ed"
AOE guide to LGBTQ+ Inclusive Sex Ed Opt-Out Notice.pdf
Opt out of “A minor may give consent to receive any legally authorized outpatient treatment from a mental health professional"
Opt out of “A minor may give consent to receive any legally authorized outpatient treatment from a mental health professional"
18vsa8350 Vermont Parent and Student Opt-Out Notice (5).pdf
Attribution: form provided by PragerU.
Opt out of “Continuing Best Practices for Schools Regarding Transgender and Gender Nonconforming Students''
Opt out of “Continuing Best Practices for Schools Regarding Transgender and Gender Nonconforming Students''
AOE 2017 State Policy Opt-Out Notice (2).pdf
Opt out from "all school instruction, programs, and/or activities listed in the Vermont Agency of Education Condom Availability Programs"
Opt out from "all school instruction, programs, and/or activities listed in the Vermont Agency of Education Condom Availability Programs"
AOE Condom Availability Program Opt-Out Notice (2).pdf
Opt Out from "condoms available to all students in its secondary schools". (Grades 7-12)
Opt Out from "condoms available to all students in its secondary schools". (Grades 7-12)
16vsa132 Vermont Parent and Student Opt-Out Notice (4).pdf
FYI: Attorney General's Plans to Eliminate Parental Opt Outs. (November 2, 2023)
FYI: Attorney General's Plans to Eliminate Parental Opt Outs. (November 2, 2023)
Vermont AG opposes parent op-out for LGBTQ books for 2nd graders; filing amicus brief in US Court of Appeals.
Vermont AG opposes parent op-out for LGBTQ books for 2nd graders; filing amicus brief in US Court of Appeals.