
Gender Ideology and the Myths

Puberty Blockers, Hormones and Medical Transitioning

Puberty Blockers have been touted as completely reversible. Not true. Cross Sex Hormones have been touted as mostly reversible. Not true. Medical Transitioning has been touted as "life saving" Not true.  

The 41% attempted suicide rate is a talking point that is not accurate. The percentage is based on an online survey with a highly skewed sample. There are many questions about this survey that have not been asked such as, were other comorbidities of participants assessed? There is little evidence that medical transition decreases suicidality.  In teenagers there are other conditions that carry a higher suicide risk, including anorexia, depression and autism. Suicide rarely has one cause: it is difficult for statistical studies on suicide to extricate gender dysphoria from other factors. Stories from detransitioners speak to the atrocities done to their bodies because of harmful surgeries that are often called "life-saving." Surgeries have left people with no sex drive, mental health issues (the suicide rate is higher after transition), constant urinary leakage, increased risk of heart attacks, strokes and so on. All dependent on the medical community and Big Pharma for the rest of their lives.   Listen to their stories. 

Social Transitioning and Affirmation

The use of preferred pronouns and different name is the gateway to puberty blockers, which leads to cross sex hormones and dependency on the medical community for life. 


Psychologist Dianna Kenny discusses the astonishing rise in gender dysphoria. As an expert, she believes that we have an emergency on our hands and that it is caused by social contagion.

Clear majorities of Americans support restrictions affecting transgender children, a Washington Post-KFF poll finds 

Most Americans don’t believe it’s even possible to be a gender that differs from that assigned at birth. A 57 percent majority of adults said a person’s gender is determined from the start, with 43 percent saying it can differ.

SEGM promotes safe, compassionate, ethical and evidence-informed healthcare for children, adolescents, and young adults with gender dysphoria.Historically, the small numbers of children presenting with gender dysphoria were primarily prepubescent males. In recent years, there has been a sharp increase in referrals of adolescents, and particularly adolescent females, to gender clinics. Many do not have a significant history of childhood gender dysphoria and a number suffer from comorbid mental health issues and neurodevelopmental conditions such as autism (ASD) and Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). The reasons for these changes are understudied and remain poorly understood. Childhood-onset gender dysphoria has been shown to have a high rate of natural resolution, with 61-98% of children reidentifying with their biological sex during puberty. The research into the course of gender dysphoria desistance among the cohort presenting with adolescent-onset gender dysphoria is still in its infancy, due to the novelty of this presentation. However, recent research from the UK clinic population suggests that 10-12% of youth may be detransitioning within 16 months to 5 years of initiating medical interventions, with an additional 20-22% discontinuing treatments for a range of reasons. The researchers noted that the detransition rate found in the recently-presenting population raises critical questions about the phenomenon of "overdiagnosis, overtreatment, or iatrogenic harm as found in other medical fields."