
A Summary of our Concerns

School is such a central part of our culture that it is difficult to believe that our local public school (EWSD) would ever engage in some of these practices and ideologies.  Yet it seems to be happening--not just here in Essex, VT, but all over the country.  We try to summarize our concerns here, but invite all to look for yourselves.  Please let us know what you find!

Parental Exclusion

All Through the Lens of "Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion" (DEI)

DEI really is a communist plot!

No, that's not just hyperbole.  That's Joseph Stalin.

Here's an in-depth analysis from James Lindsay.

Rick & Moly Jesse, Vermont Daily Chronicle

Academics and Cost 

EWSD Policy 

"The Essex Westford School District approaches equity through recognizing and redressing the impact of racism in the United States. This nation would not have evolved as it has without the genocide of the indigenous people, nor would the economic infrastructure exist as it does without the enslavement of native African people and their descendants. In an effort to recognize and undo the harm of centuries of systemic inequities and oppression, we begin with this lens and framework..." 

SEL (Social & Emotional Learning)